Torah study - whether Mishnah, Gemara or other volumes - is recognized as a potent zechus for those who have passed on from this world. But did you know that Torah study is the most powerful merit for those in this world as well?
In fact, the holy sefarim have defined Torah study as the ultimate segulah; as it says, “Ein Segulah KaTorah.” There are so many segulos – spiritual shortcuts – with which people busy themselves, but nothing rivals the effectiveness of Torah study.
Whatever your need – shidduchim, parnassah, zera kayama, health, nachas from one’s children – the merit of Torah study is a segulah you will want to rely upon. We understand your needs and provide a wide range of options to meet those needs. Whatever the circumstance, we can guide you to an appropriate course of Torah study to be completed by our team of elite Torah scholars. Let us help you help yourself.
Better than a Segulah: Simply Better.
How can Better Than a Segulah help you?
Our dedicated team of Torah scholars can learn any portion of Mishnah or Talmud as a merit for you or a loved one, no matter the occasion or situation; you can choose the topic or the duration of the learning. The powerful merit of Torah study will then be an advocate for you or your loved one in a time of need and an everlasting merit in this world and the next. Better Than a Segulah – there is no better way to help yourself on the road to success.
We are a network of Torah scholars dedicated to bringing the power of Torah study to Jews everywhere. We offer a wide range of opportunities so that you can reap the benefits of Torah study.
Everybody wants blessing in their lives. Our sages tell us: “Ein Segulah KaTorah” – there is no segulah as great as Torah learning. While people often busy themselves with segulos – spiritual shortcuts – of all kinds, why not take the proven most effective route? Harness the powerful merit of Torah study for yourself or a loved one.
Torah study is so fundamental and effective that it is recognized as “Better Than a Segulah.” Indeed, that is not just our name; it is our singular focus. We ensure that you can access Torah learning anytime, for any need.